Welcome from the Chairman of ExCom, Mr. Rafael Rosas Gonzalez and Morten Unneberg, CEO of Insurope
Since the creation of the Insurope Network 58 years ago, Insurope has been helping Network Members grow their local businesses by providing a framework to support the development of the Members’ relationships with multinational companies. One of our Network's strengths and core values is the close cooperation between the Network Members and Insurope. The structure allows all Network Members to participate in the General Assembly, Technical Committee, Sales & Marketing Committee, and Sales Meetings to exchange ideas and discuss the development of the Insurope Network. The cooperation between Insurope and its Network Members has resulted in a very successful partnership between all parties. Insurope has grown to be one of the most formidable multinational pooling networks globally.
Our strategy remains focused on Multinational Pooling solutions, and to deliver market-leading products and services. During the last few years, we have implemented many improvements and started a new and targeted marketing strategy to increase awareness of multinational pooling and increase brand awareness of Insurope.
We are already seeing the positive effect of our focused strategy. 2024 was a busy and very successful year for Insurope, with extraordinarily strong results and many positive achievements. Our Network continues to grow. We maintained our position as the largest pooling network in the world, measured by the number of Multinational pools and the number of pooled local plans. We have established Insurope as THE Premier Multinational Pooling Network and have a solid foundation for future growth and success.
Insurope is stronger than ever, and we look forward to seeing you all from 18 to 20 March in the beautiful city of Madrid, Spain. The conference is hosted by our long-standing Network Member, España S.A., and we would like to extend a big thank you to Mr. Jesus Huerta de Soto Ballester and his team at España S.A. for hosting the event in Madrid.
We look forward to seeing you there to discuss significant developments for the Insurope Network and celebrate our success together!